Opening Hours
Every day from April to October, 10:00 - 18:30 (except in bad weather).
If no-one is on site when you arrive, call +32 82 22 43 97 and an attendant will meet you promptly.
Always recommended, as the number of boats is limited.
Boarding place
Check according to your booking:
- Anseremme pontoon - Dinant Evasion
Rue du Vélodrome 15 - 5500 DINANT (ticket office address, 5-minute walk along the Meuse to the pontoon) - Pontoon downtown - Dinant Nautique
Boulevard Léon Sasserath - 5500 DINANT (at the foot of the Citadel and the Charles de Gaulle Bridge)
Accepted means of payment
In cash and by card, now also on the dock.
Car park
- Anseremme pontoon - Dinant Evasion
Ample free parking around the ticket offices - Downtown pontoon - Dinant Nautique
Public pay car parks
Any other questions ?
Many answers are already at your disposal, have a look on
Stil need help ? Contact our office there (from 8:00am to 8:00pm)
While personalised advice and requests for quotes can be found here